Rodney Howard Browne – Jordan H. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

When I first started soul winning seriously is when I first came to RBI. Soul winning has changed my life. I remember the first time I used the soul winning script, wow I was nervous. I walk right up to this group of people; they were just standing there outside their house. All of sudden the Lord just gave me boldness when I started reading the script and all seven of the people that were standing there said the prayer with me. I was so amazed, that was it for me, I was hook!

That scripture in Mark 16:15, really came alive to me, Jesus is calling me to preach the Gospel to every creature. That day change everything for me, the Lord open my eyes to see this is what it’s all about. All I wanted to do is soul win everywhere I went. I really have a heart for the lost. Since I was going to RBI and now I’m almost done with the first year, I can tell you so many stories what I seen during this year.

I remember one time when we went out to this place in the projects of Tampa and it was a rainy day, but that didn’t stop us. It was awesome for me, that day was really a big day for me , I prayed with like twenty something that day, and I remember this one moment, it started to rain and we were getting ready to leave and all of sudden I see this field of kids practicing for football, and I was like thank you Jesus! I didn’t care if it was rainy.

The Lord gave me such boldness, I ran out there. All the kids look right over at me and I started reading the script to them and they all said it with me, and even the coaches did too! Then I ran back to the van , I started laughing, the Joy of the Lord starting to hit me. There are so many stories I can say about this year about soul winning but all I know is that the lord change my life and open my eyes about souls and made me to realize that it’s not a program it’s a lifestyle!

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