All posts by admin

Matters of the Heart | Michael Perry Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

On Sunday, December 13, our church, the River of Tampa Bay, my wife and I helped out with a large outreach to the local communities of Tampa Bay. One of the tools our church uses to bring in the lost is our bus ministry. My wife and I have personally been soul witnessing on one particular route, route 3, almost every Saturday. The bus we were on serviced this route. As we were driving from the church to the bus route 3 area to drop off the local residents, I struck up a conversation with an older man. He had an interesting story as he told me about his family and the Pentecostal church they owned back in Tennessee and how he had gotten away from the Lord for many years while he worked for the circus hustling people. He said that he gave his life to the Lord in 2006 and gave all indications that he was saved. I began to share my testimony with him, about how God had brought me from a long way. I spoke of the goodness of God. I spoke of winning souls in his area. As we passed, certain areas I told him about the different people I had meet and seen saved. Street after street. Block after block. I noticed that he had a Spanish soul winning script and asked if he had an English one. He did and I asked him if someone had prayed with him using the script. He said no, so I thought I would do some training with him so that he might possible use the script himself. I went through the script and he answered no if he would go to heaven. I figured he was just working with me on the script. It was not until we were half way through the prayer of salvation that I realized for him, it was real. At the end of the prayer I asked him if he really prayed the prayer. He said yes. I presumed that he was either witnessed to either on the way to church or answered the alter call at church. Sometimes you just never know. Luke 15:7.

Matters of the Heart

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

This past Sunday I was working in Children’s Church and I have never seen anything like it before. Before service started the room was starting to get filled 20 minutes before service actually started. Kids began pouring in from both doors with cheerful faces as they saw their friends in the room. I started to play the Hillsong Kids DVD on the projector and the kids loved it. When service began it started off just like any other Sunday, a few games, a few giveaways, Joe Manno came up on stage and there was a new kind of energy coming from him. He began to throw candy out into the crowd of kids and began to start telling stories. When he finished telling his stories he asked if anyone wanted a bike. The kids went crazy! He brought a few kids on-stage along with his helpers. He made the kids have a dance off to see who would win the bike,that was one of 3 bikes that he gave away. After that he got in a serious attitude and told the kids to sit around the front of stage. He began to preach about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and he described it in a way that even I have never heard about. He described the whips that were used by the Roman soldiers to beat Jesus, he used so many descriptions that you could close your eyes and see everything he said. It was amazing how the kids responded. Many got touched by the Holy Spirit, a lot of those for the first time. Many lives were transformed there. He then proceeded and gave an alter call and over 150 kids gave their lives to Christ for the first time! It was an amazing thing to witness because you know that these kids will never be the same for as long as they live. And its amazing because we don’t know what God has for their lives, many of them will be nation shakers, many even generation shakers. God moved in a mighty way that will only grow and grow each week and I thank God for the opportunity to be a part of the mighty move of God that day.

Winter Campmeeting 2010 | Sean Liburdi Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Campmeeting was awesome and very powerful in my life. During the meetings I developed so much more of a hunger for spiritual things and really pressed into the deep things of God. God really spoke to me and touched me during the meetings. Even after the end of services God was still doing awesome things in my life. Whether it was the financial realm from sowing seed during that time and his supernatural provision or working on fruits and issues of the heart, God was constantly moving. It is amazing how every meeting is different and just how the teachings really sink into your heart. When the Pastor from Turkey spoke and they rolled the clip of what God was doing in Turkey was incredible. The way God is touching people in other areas of the world is amazing to me and the hunger that is being stirred up all around. God is truly getting ready to shake nations, if he hasn’t already started doing it yet. It is also amazing to see Pastors Rodney and Adonica Browne celebrate 30 years in ministry. What an accomplishment! I just think it is amazing that I am 33 years old and they have been doing this for 30 years. It is incredible! That showed me personally how the anointing will sustain you and that one touch from God will keep you running even decades later! The deep things of God are so awesome!

Another thing that was great to me during those meetings was to see my friends and family members get touched by God. It was my mom and aunt’s first time at the River Church and what a great time to come during winter camp meeting. My mom got touched with the joy of the Lord and is still getting touched weeks after the meeting. We are so fortunate to be able to sit under the anointing that is here and not have one hour dry cleaning services. Isn’t the Lord wonderful!!

What Impacted Me In The Last Campmeeting | Jonas Kaiser Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I was mostly impacted by the different directions the Holy Spirit moved in the meetings and the intensity the people got touched and changed in the presence of God.

For me the most impacting day of campmeeting was Thursday night. For some reason i was spiritually hungry after the morning service like never before. I felt it so strong in my spirit that it actually affected me physically. I never felt something like this before. It was like my spirit was starving. So i couldn’t wait for the evening service. But then 20 minutes before the service one of the ushers asked me if i could help out that night because they were short on staff.

I was dissapointed at that moment because really wanted to press in that service. So now i had to usher and couldn’t really let the Holy Spirit fill me like i wanted him to.

During the whole service i still felt that hunger burning in my spirit. And then the presence exploded in the service and people got touched by God like never before in this week. All i could do was catching these people and watching carefully what’s going on.

That was a little frustrating because i could feel the Holy Spirit so strong but i wouldn’t allow him to overwhelm me.

Service ends and i am standing there, not knowing what to do. I wanted to go to Pastor Rodney to ask him if he could pray for me but then the Holy Spirit told me that i don’t need him to get touched God’s presence and so i just sat on a chair, lifted my arms and started to pray in tongues.

Immediately the power of God hit me and from this moment on it just became intense. I was laughing, crying and rolling on the floor for hours. The power of God hit me like never before and He was talking about a lot of important things to me in this time.

I finally got out of church at 3 o’clock in the morning, full of the Holy Spirit and so thankful for God’s faithfullness.

He wants to touch anybody and he will if we open ourselves for Him. There is no other person needed and the circumstances don’t matter for Him to come with his presence and change a live forever.

Great Awakening Tour City #32 Tri-Cities, Tennessee/Virginia | Wesley M Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

I asked for prayer for my son Anthony who has a learning discibility for him to pass geometry & metal shop & he did also, for my daughters graduation party that God would cover me because all my in-laws drink & I did not want a drunken fight at my daughters party. I wanted to celebrate her & they did not come & we had an awsome party & God did cover me Thank you so much Marie I am Evangelist Wesley Njoh M ,form Cameroon in central Africa.I want to Appreciate God for what He has done to my ministry through your revival meetings(22may 2008).It has put fire in my bones and has made me to be alert and hate religion.I am looking forward to organise serious evangelism in the nation capital city(Yaounde). I am trusting God to help me so that I can enrole to your Bible institude so as to receive more fire so that we can take over this world for Jesus. May God richly bless your ministry and provide all your needs in Jesus Name Amen. THANKS.

Wesley M
Yaounde (No State) Cameroon

Crusade Edmonton,CAN | Marjoke H Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

When my husband and I and our three young children arrived at the crusade,we had been on a fast for more than 41 days.Not a spiritual based fast,but a forced one,for the church who was supposed to have fed us and given us a salary as youth pastors,had not done so,and our little family was starving.We had survived the winter in the arctic climate of North Alberta by digging for cans under snow with our children, while leading the youth and children’s ministries,we had pioneered for the church in this missionfield.The youth gatherings had grown to about 160 youth,the children’s church had grown to about 65.To not take any food away from our children,for us,I would boil water and flavor it with a onion peel and salt.The church said we would never make it to the crusade.We put our last money together,about $50 CAN,and took the old van and began to drive. It died on arrival in our camping spot.A young man gave us a lift to the church where the crusade was being held.From the moment we came through the door we could feel the Presence of Jesus everywhere.We did not see the preacher yet,only his muffled speaking from the other side of the closed doors that led to the auditorium.The lord Spoke to us;”This is the tree that I want you to sit under.They will be your mentors.When they go right,you go right,when they go left ,you go left.Your will not depart from them.” Within a few month we were in the bible school of Dr.Rodney Howard-Browne.God made a supernatural way for us out of the wilderness. We knew we had finally come home.We had come so close to lay down the call for ministry after fifteen and a halve years in full time ministry,but from Dr.Rodney Howard Browne’s mouth on that day had come living Water from the Lord to our thirsty and beaten up souls.People may not understand this, but we know that Jesus did send him and his wife to save our lives!They saved our lives!We thank and love the Lord for His Goodness towards us.We love Him and no other.Religion hates Jesus,it is a spirit,as we later on learned.So many children and youth had begun to come to know the Lord as their Savior,and leadership in the church had become jealous,and sought to get the glory and the finances in the youth and children’s account that had dramatically increased,as the Lord prospered us. They wanted us to suffer,they wanted us to go. The Bible school from Drs.Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne changed our lives for ever.We have just entered our 25th year inn full time ministry,We thank the Lord for saving our very lives that day and our pastors Rodney and Adonica ,for being willing to go to Canada that year to be used by God to bring His Revival Fire. If you are a minister about to quit,don’t!!! Get yourself and your family to one of the crusades of Drs Rodney and Adonica Howard Browne, and let the Lord Touch you in the meetings.Your life will never be the same again!!!Then,.. come to the Bible school! This school, is none like any I had gone to for ministry before.It is the school of the Spirit.This desision will save your live!

Marjoke H
Valrico Florida United States

Great Awakening Tour-Chattanooga

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Hello Revival Friends- Gosh how we miss you! I can’t thank you enough for teaching us how to use the Gospel soul-winning script. It has totally changed our lives!!! We have been using it since we got back from Chattanooga. Every person saved is the greatest testimony, but I’d like to give you a few of the ones, (so far), that I’ll never forget. I went to visit my family at Thanksgiving. I was helping to clean, and it wore me out. The next am I woke up very dizzy; could hardly even sit up. I was so upset; the whole family was coming, and I so wanted to lead them to Jesus. I was lying in bed, all upset with myself, so I prayed “Lord give me a harvest!” About a minute later my cell phone rang. It was a telemarketer. I was kind to her. (I used to hang up.) So I said “Has anyone ever told you that God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life?” She said “No.” So I went on. She had said that everything was fine, then she suddenly said, “You know, nobody in my family cares about me.” We talked, and she prayed with me to receive Jesus. She started to say in very broken English, “You are very wonderful lady. I want you to speak with my boss.” I thought that she needed me to explain to her boss that it was my fault for keeping her on the phone so long, talking about something unrelated to her work. A very pleasant man came on the line, said he was Anna’s manager (and also her boyfriend). He introduced himself as “Sandy”. I asked him the same question. He also got saved!!! They said they were from Las Vegas; I was in Ohio. I told them to get to a computer, and log on to, since I had no way of contacting them further. They were so happy and I was ecstatic!!! The Lord surely gave me a harvest-my Aunt and Sister also got saved that day. Also after that phone call, I sat straight up in bed with NO dizzyness at all!!! Isn’t our God GOOD!!!!!! WOW!!! My very good friend, Laurie, was wanting to get together and go soul-winning; to learn to use the script. We met for lunch at a Mexican restaurant. Before we left, I began the script with our waiter: he got saved. We shared it with another waiter. Fortunately. we had the Spanish script with us. He did much better reading it. He got saved, too. After this Laurie was so excited; she said “Let’s go talk to the girl who took us to our table.” She knew even less English,so we were able to talk with her, and share the Spanish script. All 3 of them were so happy, and we felt that we were almost in Heaven already!!! It is our absolute greatest joy!!! Thank you all so much! Can’t wait to see you again. You have changed our lives. Love Always, Your Sis in Christ, Val Feeney

Val F
Franklin Tennessee United States

Great Awakening Tour City #28 Ball Ground (N. Atlanta) GA | Julie S Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Somebody from Verizon just called to offer me fios services and I led him to the Lord! He was so overwhelmed and thankful, he almost couldn’t contain his emotions. He said that I’m a very nice person, and that no one has ever told him before that Jesus loves him. Wow! Thank you, Jesus! I am the pastor of World Harvest Church in Alabama. The first night I attended I was baffled by the fact that Pastor was an “usher” then I realized that when God spoke to me and said “You do what you do and I will do what I do” that I was actually witnessing that very thing. I am bringing the materials back to my church in Alabama. I saw my Bishop’s heart for the lost and the joy of his salvation return and I praise God that the heart of the leader flows down. Thank you for tools which allow anyone to share the gospel so we can break off this wrong mindset of “you get them here and pastor will do the rest” God bless you and your ministry. We will be praying for you in intercessory every monday night. Pastor Rebecca R

Julie S
Land O’Lakes Florida United States

Great Awakening Tour City #28 Ball Ground (N. Atlanta) GA | Eileen C Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Dear Pastor, I wrote to you about a week ago about my spiritual sister’s husband who was suffering with a terrible heart condition. Two of his heart valves had stopped working; he was on oxygen in the ICU. The doctor had given him a week to live. I’m writing to tell you that a miracle occurred on the 1st of this month. He woke up on the morning of that day feeling as good as new even though his heart and lungs were stopping every now and then just a day before. The doctors said it was a miracle because after they checked him, heart was found to be completely normal. Our God is truly a mighty and powerful God who has saved us from the sorrow of loosing a wonderful man of God, and saved his wife and five children from losing a wonderful husband and father. He is at home now, though the doctors have advised him to take a rest for a week at least. Praise the Lord! Thank you all for your prayers without which this miracle would not have been possible. Thank you all once again. Eileen

Eileen C
Abbottabad (No State) Pakistan

Great Awakening Tour City #28 Ball Ground (N. Atlanta) GA | Olufemi A Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

MAY GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY AND ENRICH YOU SPIRITUALLY IN YOUR MINISTRY…recently i was watching your programme when everyone was laughing, i wanted to feel that way but there wasn’t no feeling. I went on the computer to check your ministry website when i realised that i had an e-mail from my Physics teacher. I’m one of the least performing student in Physics class my Highest grade in Physics are all U’s; recently last week we did a mock paper; i prayed to GOD and he answered me, he planned everything for me and i recceived an e-mail from my teacher that i got a B!!!!! i couldn’t believe it; even though the Devil is attacking me in all ways to bring me away from GOD, i did not care i know GOD is going to help me no matter how sinful i may be, for he’s my rock and the map of my life, guess what music i listened to after i heared the news? it was titled “For the enemy has been defeated”. PRAYS THE LORD!!!!!! (Amen) :)the joy i have now is not only the Physical, but the SPIRITUAL for in the presence of the Lord, there is fullness of Joy. GLORY BE TO GOD HALLELUJAH!! 🙂 And m very sure that the plan of God that my lowest Grade in Physics will be the B i got now, for next time around it will be a SUPER A!!!!!! woooooo…….. (Amen)

Olufemi A
Kent (No State) United Kingdom