Great Awakening Tour City #46 Riverside, CA | Camille M Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Spoke with Ever and Vivian as their father was filling out the survey in Spanish. What blessed me was that as I was saying the prayer with them, they were filled with joy and excitement, so innocent and believing through the whole thing, like a child receiving something good. They were 6-7 years old. Had favor with security guards. My first time ever. Really rough start. After 7 straight rejections I was in tears and ready to quit. My coach team leader Kristi was awesome encouraging me, reminding me that I’m sowing seeds. So I was gun-shy and then I watched my husband lead a young person to the Lord and felt like I had witnessed a real, true and honest salvation. That was a turning point. Reminded me why I’m doing it, yes to be obedient, but because I love seeing how much he loves us. I ended up leading 21 people to Jesus. A few of which I know were divine appointments that the devil was trying his hardest to make sure it didn’t happen. Drive by, 3 girls. I read my bible and pray mightily and she got saved. Plus another got saved as well.

Camille M
California United States

Great Awakening Tour City #46 Riverside, CA | Tim B Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Guy first seemed like he was on drugs. She shared with him, then he received Christ. He looked totally different and joyful.Led a Spanish family of 5 to the LordI came up to a man in the car. I don’t know if I would go to heaven or hell. He received Christ in the parking lot. In a grocery store parking lot. I met a woman named Denise asking for money for a bus. I led her to the Lord and prayed for the spirit of alcoholism to break off of her. She felt it leave. She then went around asking people if they wanted to pray and led others to the Lord.

Tim B
Washington United States

Sunday Services | Merry T Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

My husbands'(job) property sold a week ago, we were told, we will get severance pay! we are the only ones from the former company who actually stayed with the property, we decided to give them a try!! so i have been praying, for great bosses up the chain of command in this new company!! and for some great employees too !! so far, the ones my husband has met, he likes !! ……. BUT!!….. i have to tell how GOD TOOK CARE OF US !! my husband is on 5 medications.. bp, diabetes etc…some of this we can’t buy up in advance ( regulations ) but the doctor changed his dosage, and when we refilled his medicines, we were given his OLD and NEW dosage one of them….. and i have sensed for several months now, to save save save on his meds…….. THE “VERY !! DAY”…. OUR JOB SOLD…THEY DROPPED OUR INSURANCE, AND DIDN’T WARN US… I FOUND OUT BY TRYING TO ORDER HIS MONTHLY ORDER……BUT GOD KNEW WHAT WAS COMING !! AND WE ARE IN THE BEST SHAPE WE CAN BE IN, TILL HIS NEW INSURANCE GOES INTO EFFECT !! GOD STARTED MONTHS AGO….HAVING ME SAVE SAVE SAVE…BECAUSE HE KNEW IT WOULD TAKE THIS AMOUNT OF TIME TO SAVE ALL THE LITTLE EXTRAS MEDS!! …….. in Christ, merry trejo

Merry T
Bradenton Florida United States

Sunday Services

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

Well about last year around January I had a receptionist job. It didn’t pay me a lot at all part time I was making 225 a week. (That in itself was a blessing because that job got me out of the clubs dancing) I was renting a room so rent was 125 a week. After gas it didn’t leave me with alot to work with. I put my ten percent in the offering bucket and was grocery shopping on 10 dollars a week. But God told me where to shop to make that work. I told one of my friends mom what I was doing because she didnt believe in tithing. She said Your really not in the position to be tithing and not to give. But I just laughed because my joy was in giving God my twenty dollars or so. One year later I got another job working as live in home support for the mentally disabled. At this job they pay my rent water and my electricity bill. On top of that pay me 525 a week. Just a few months ago I was talking to my sister Brande who also dosnt believe in tithing nor God Himself. And I was talking to her about my finances telling her where my pay check was going. I told her 200 car payment 50 gas 60 in offering and which by the way im up to 50 dollars in groceries now for the week! And she said ” I dont think your in the position to be giving to the church right now… ha ha. So I told her what happend last year and that was exactly what my friends mom said and gave her the testimony where I am now. And maybe a month ago my mom who also dosnt believe in tithing said “Ya know Samantha IM SUUUURE If you dont give to God and save up for your own place and ask Him to forgive you im SUUURE He will.” Because that is what I wanted I wanted to save up and move from my job that I have working with the menatlly disabled and move on to something else. I told her im suuuure He would but im not going to do that. I added all my bills up with my own place and its like 2100 dollars thats including offering, im thinking thats alot! I prayed to God to help me find a place. So get this, about 3 weeks later and still being faithful in my finances I get a text message from my old room mate whom I was talk to about my moving into my own place that when ever i want i can move in back with her for FREE untill we move out into a 3 bedroom apartment in Feburary and my rent will only be 350 a month plus half the utlilities!!!! So thats my testimony on tithing and let me tell you my mommy didnt have a very nice tone of voice when I told her what I got because I was faithful. I cant wait till my bread comes back from what that im tithing on now!!!! I am going to fund the end time harvest!

Samantha G
PINELLAS PARK Florida United States

Recent Student Testimony

rodney howard browne

I arrived at the church at 8:00 a.m. and was assigned to usher that morning. The section that I was assigned to was near the entrance that faces children’s church. I looked at the window and saw a mass of people.  Parents were in line for the registration of their kids to enter the children’s church and to also receive a free Christmas toy. As the people enter, they were from all nations that came.  A few people came to me and asked if there were closer seats. People came expecting and hungry for the things of God.

Watching the crowd of people entering for the service and filling up the seats was such a blessing. People were getting touched by the presence of God. When the invitation came for the altar call, I looked at the crowd of people and saw hands going up in every section. They ranged in age from the littlest child to the oldest person. When they were asked to stand, people stood and came forward. A large number of people came to surrender their lives to Jesus. Many that came to the altar that morning were the result of someone going out and knocking on doors during the week and Saturday outreaches.

The glory of God touched these individuals’ lives. Many walked towards the prayer room with smiles on their faces, rejoicing and praising God.

The month of October I lost someone very close to me. I stopped leading people to the Lord like I normally did during the week. A month later I prayed to the Lord to place a passion for the lost in my heart. I would go out on Saturday outreaches but the passion wasn’t there. What ministered to me the most was seeing the people answering the altar call. The Holy Spirit touched my heart when those people were going to the prayer room. I sensed that I need to be determined to go out again and lead people to the Lord.  


Nancy S

Stoping the Hunger period, first part by Rodney Howard Browne

Rodney Howard Browne shows us how to obey God

Ever witnessed the ravages of a famine? If that is the case you can always remember the scene. 

The stink of death is sickening, horrifying. Each living creature suffers due to the acute insufficiency of food. It is one of the most traditional of all plagues—and famines are still with us to this day. We hear and read of them sweeping across massive territories leaving people and animals in their wakes. The hunger brings a mix of such starvation and starvation, life grinds to a virtual dead stop.



Not even the otherwise hearty and once-powerful four-footed beasts of the field can survive if the famine remains.


We who live in “the land of plenty” can only imagine such scenes. With fast-food places at nearly every corner in our busy towns, corner shop shelves stacked high with lots of food and typically a selection of different types of the same food to pick from—all of it in abundance—and, additionally, many eateries to suit our food fancy, we do not think about what life would be like where none of that is right.

The Bible speaks rather regularly of famines but nowhere more eloquently than in the scribblings of a rather obscure soothsayer named Amos. God used Amos’s pen to explain a crisis that would one day arrive, leaving humanity in the grip of a famine. However incredibly, it wouldn’t be a hunger for literal food or seared tongues hankering for clean water. It’d be a famine for hearing God’s truth announced. Here’s the way that the prophecy appears in Amos 8:11-12. “Behold, days are coming,” declares the Lord GOD,. Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water,. But rather for hearing the words of the LORD.

They’ll go to and fro to find the word of the LORD,. Without meaning to be overdramatic, that prophecy has come to pass. We now live in the middle of such a famine. The sound, unswerving, balanced, consistent, and healthy teaching and evangelizing of the Word of the Lord is barely heard here in these US or, for what it’s worth, around the planet.

There are churches and chapels, churches and churchs where spiritual activities abound. And there are folks of each convincing who talk and teach, who appear in the media, who write books, who talk about God and debate subjects the Bible addresses related to our times. But the absence of solid biblical food based mostly on sound doctrine, served continually and in healthy portions, is noticeable by its absence. Let’s recommit ourselves to breaking that famine.


A Half Hour Spiritual Improvement by Rodney Howard Browne

rodney howard browne

Go back over those 3 concerns of religious nourishment we looked at yesterday : taking in Our Lord God’s Word, chatting to Him in prayer, and spending some additional mins turning the truth over in your mind’s eye with plans to obey. One of the finest methods to put this plan into action is to put aside thirty additional mins per day—just thirty minutes—for at least this the week after next.


For the 1st ten mins, begin a book of the Bible—you may select Proverbs or maybe Philippians or perhaps the text of John. Mention those members of your folks by name.


Eventually , sit silently for the final ten mins and think. You can need to begin keeping a book, where you record in your own writing what the Lord is showing you. Do that every day for a minimum of one week and see how nutritive it becomes. And incidentally, before you suspect, “30 mins a day is way too long a time,” consider how long you spend nutritive your body on a day-to-day basis. Then remember the principle : “optimal health needs perfect nutrition.”.

The secret lies in keeping a balance, nutritive your soul as well as your body.

He’s Always Here by Rodney Howard Browne

Working Moment by Rodney Howard Browne

The book of Job isn’t just a bystander to the grace of suffering and God’s presence in our suffering, but it is also our main biblical protest against faith which has been reduced to explanations or “answers.” plenty of the answers that Job’s supposed buddies give him are technically true. But it’s the “technical” part that ruins them. They’re answers without private relationship, intellect without intimacy.

The answers are slapped onto Job’s ravaged life like labels on a specimen bottle.

In reply, Job rages against this secularized knowledge which has lost touch with the living facts of The Lord God. The late ( and I would add great ) Joe Bayly and his other half, Mary Lou, lost 3 of their kids.

They lost one child following surgery when he was only eighteen days old. They also lost the second boy at age 5 because of leukemia. They then lost a 3rd child at eighteen years after a sledding accident, due to complications related to his hemophilia. Joe writes in a superb book, the very last thing we discuss.

Somebody came and talked to me of God’s dealings, of why it occurred, of hope outside the grave. He talked continually ; he revealed things I knew were true. I was indifferent, except I wished he’d depart.

He just sat beside me for an hour and more, listened when I announced something, answered briefly, prayed simply, left.

You have done it right when those in pain hate to see you go. Had we lived in his day, there is not any way we could say, “I know how you feel.” we do not.

A True Friend by Rodney Howard Browne

Rodney Howard Browne shows us a dear

Mates care sufficiently to come without being asked to come.

No one sent a message announcing to Eliphaz and Bildad and Zophar, “Would you please come and bring a little sympathy and comfort for Job? The person is dying in this cooking pot of suffering and pain.” That was not required, because real chums show up when anyone they like is truly injuring. Sympathy includes identifying with the sufferer.

They enter into their melting pot, for the point of feeling the misery and being personally touched by the agony. Comfort is making an attempt to reduce the pain by helping in making the sorrow lighter. Pals overtly express the depth of their feelings. They have methods of doing that, don’t they? It is not odd to see a mate standing nearby in the surgery room fighting back the tears.

It isn’t unusual for the buddy to express deep feelings. To the contrary, they come alongside and they get as near as possible. Pals aren’t offended as the room has a bad smell. Chums don’t turn away as the one they have come to be with has been reduced to the shell of his previous self, weighing half what he used to weigh. They don’t walk away as the bottom dropped out of your life and you are at wits’ end. These men literally tore their robes, spattered dust on their heads, and raised their voices and sobbed as they sat down on the ground with Job. They demonstrated the depth of their torment by staying a week and 7 nights without letting out a word. Buddies understand, so they say little.

Rodney Howard Browne brings good news to America

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