Rodney Howard Browne – Nicole M. Testimony

Rodney Howard Browne says that this past week at Winter Camp Meeting 2011 was the best camp meeting I have ever attended. The presence and power of God was so amazing. Pastor Rodney taught on the anointing during the morning services and really just let the power of God flow. Rodney Howard Brown there was one morning service where a few different special guest singers got up on stage and started singing “I’ve Got It!” and the whole church started praising God and rejoicing that we’ve got the Holy Ghost all over us! We have it in our hands, feet, walk, and talk and all over us! There was such a freedom in the room it was breathtaking.

Rodney Howard Browne says that then at night as the fire of God fell, it was like we were receiving downloads from heaven and growing spiritually as we sat in the anointing. It was as if we were being taken from glory to glory! Then on Thursday night, it was like we touched heaven. Rodney Howard Browne says that as we were worshipping the Lord singing Holy, Holy, Holy it sounded like a choir of angels joined in with us! And I don’t blame them! God is worthy to be praised and worthy to have our all during worship! It was so powerful and I felt like I caught the slightest glimpse of what Heaven is going to be like.

Friday night though, changed my life and my friendship with one of my very dear friends. God completely restored and healed our broken friendship.  Great Awakening Tour stated that we were both completely full of joy and it felt as though an electric current was running through us. God mended and took away all of our bitterness, ill feelings, and malice towards one another and filled us up with His love. I praise God for everything He did through and for my life over the week of Winter Camp Meeting! -Nicole M.

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